Tuesday, September 02, 2008

In E-town

We have been back in Edmonton for over two months now. I know there are at least a couple people checking the blog once in a while, so I feel compelled to write something. I have the blog set up on StatCounter and can see where traffic to the blog comes from...(sorry to disappoint all those google searchers who found my post about the 'girls' weekend in Buriram', perhaps not the exciting article you were expecting!)

There are so many great things about being back. We can visit our family and friends and get real hugs anytime (thanks for letting is come by anytime...). The air is clean, quiet is easy to find, people are polite (you don't have to stop your car for me to cross the street, especially if I'm trying to jaywalk...I've gotten really good at dodging traffic), I can recycle, grocery shopping is so easy, people's biggest issue with life in Edmonton is traffic construction, we know where we are going to sleep each night, and one of the best things about being back is that we won't have lice for Christmas!

I am feeling reintegrated for the most part, although the struggle against consumerism was quite tough at the beginning. To see everyone buying more and more stuff for the sake of having newer and better seemed so ridiculous when we first arrived back. Now, I suppose I am getting used to it, but dealing with it in my own way by 'shopping' on Earthcycle, visiting the local Salvation Army. I suppose having so much time away gave us lots of time to evaluate our lives, and how we want to live them. But, as with all plans, they are much easier from afar in both time and space!


  1. Thanks for the Earthcycle plug, Mary. :)

    Don't forget the link.

    Edmonton Earthcycle Owner

  2. Nice to get an update... so where are you guys working? Are you living in your place by the University? It's funny we were more up to date on your comings and goings while you were abroad!!!

    Erin Leschert
